10/07/2009 Propuestas anteriores IPCRG Exchanges. Asthma Guidelines, 2008 How useful to primary care professionals around the world are they? The Asthma Epidemic. Waltraud Eder, Markus J. Ege and Erika von Mutius N Engl J Med 2006; 355:2226-2235, Nov 23, 2006 Clinical Review. Management of asthma in children. Townshend J, Hails S, McKean M. BMJ 2007;335:253-257 De la rinitis al asma: ¿una o dos enfermedades? M.J. Álvarez, J.M. Olaguíbel, E. Lasa, E. Arroabarren, A. Gómez, B. Gómez An. sis. sanit. Navar. 2003; 26 (Supl. 2): 49-55 Asma Bronquial. Enfoque intensivo. Rivero M HB, Arocha H RM, Gutiérrez N CA. Rev Cubana Med Int Emerg 2003;2(2) Prescribe systemic corticosteroids in acute asthma. Steven Doherty. BMJ 2009;338:b1234 Clinical Practice. Asthma in Pregnancy. Michael Schatz and Mitchell P. Dombrowski. N Engl J Med 2009;360:1862-1869 Asthma control in adults. John Rees. BMJ. 2006 April 1; 332(7544): 767–771. Risk factors associated with irreversible airflow limitation in asthma. ten Brinke, A. Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2008; 8 (1): 63-9 Jul 10th, 2009. En: Artículos de interés, Asma Comparta su opinión Click here to cancel reply. Nombre: (*) Email: (*) Sitio web: Los campos marcados con un asterisco (*) son obligatorios. Captcha * Escriba el texto mostrado arriba:
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