
Villanueva, N. L; Afrooz, P. N; Carboy, J. A; Rohrich, R. J.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 6 – p 1179e–1188e

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)As the United States continues to be more ethnically and racially diverse, it is important for the rhinoplasty surgeon to have an appreciation and understanding of nasal variations that exist to plan for and execute ethnically congruent results. The nasal analysis is a critical component of the patient evaluation, which has been used as a tool by surgeons to identify deviations from anatomical norms or canons. In this article, the authors describe common nasal anatomical variations that exist between ethnic groups as a guide for nasal analysis. Understanding these variations will facilitate and help define important cultural aesthetics, which can be used to plan for rhinoplasties in a diverse patient population.

Macionis, V.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2018-07-01, Volumen 71, Número 7, Páginas 1086-1092

JPRAS -Vol. 71, No. 7 (2018)El 200 aniversario de la «Rinoplastia» de KF Graefe, el nombramiento de E. Zeis de la especialidad de cirugía plástica en 1838  y la discusión continua sobre qué es la cirugía plástica, han llevado a esta revisión histórico-conceptual con una visión semántica del significado de la palabra «Plástico». Una búsqueda en la literatura ha revelado que este término contiene aspectos duales: artístico y filosófico. Ampliar…

Niechajev, N.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, October 2018, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp 543–556

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Size of the nose varies in the different parts of the world, and perception of what is the aesthetically acceptable nose shows large differences depending on the ethnic background, type of the society, gender and age. Nose which is generally larger than the average nose in a given society, particularly regarding the height of its nasal bridge, could be defined as a prominent nose.

Giacomotti, J; Ali, A; López, T; Piqué, H.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.42, no.4. oct./dic. 2016. pp.313-320

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_hugeEn este artículo se presenta un heterogéneo conjunto compuesto por 30 prototipos nasales, seleccionados deliberadamente 10 que presentaban perfil con óptima definición del dorso y piel de grosor intermedio con el fin de investigar sistemáticamente, en estos últimos, al segmento inicial del borde superior de la rama alar externa y al tramo distal del borde anterior del cartílago triangular. Mediante disecciones rutinarias, se realizó el análisis con material de individuos adultos, de ambos sexos y raza blanca, previamente formolizado.

Sykes, P. J; Santoni-Rugiu, P; Mazzola, R.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2010-02-01, Volúmen 63, Número 2, Pages 247-250

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 63; No. 2 (2008)

The Venetian adventurer Nicolò Manuzzi composed a detailed manuscript about the Moghul Empire late in the 17th century towards the end of his life. It contained an accurate description of the Indian Rhinoplasty. Although it was returned to Europe from India early in the 18th century it was never published. Had it been disseminated amongst the surgeons of the day we can speculate that the ‘BL’ letter to the Gentleman’s Magazine in 1794 would not have been such a surgical ‘bombshell’ but more a damp squib!
This paper records Manuzzi’s story which finally came to light when his manuscript was translated into English and published in 1907. We believe that these details are not well known amongst plastic surgeons.

Goffart, Y; Karelle, S; Daele, J.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, October 2015, Volume 38, Issue 5, pp 355-362

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Spreader grafts (SPG) are widely used for different purposes in rhinoplasty procedures. However, selection of the size of the grafts, trimming and fixation often proved time consuming and difficult. We used an original method of placement of “free” SPG to improve both ease of placement and fine trimming of the grafts. To assess pertinence of this approach, we evaluated retrospectively our rate of correction of the middle third of the nose.

Saman, M; Helman, S. N; Kadakia, S; Naymagon, L.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2015-01-01, Volúmen 68, Número 1, Pages 87-92

JPRAS - Vol. 68; No. 1 (2014)Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most commonly performed and most challenging operations in facial plastic surgery. The modern facial plastic surgeon utilizes many instruments in performing this procedure. Many of these instruments take their names from the pioneers who invented or designed them. Although meritorious, the recent trend in medicine to move away from eponyms in lieu of descriptive names should not come at the price of forgetting history. Although this communication does not seek to provide a comprehensive history of rhinoplasty or of its pioneers, our aim is to mention several of the salient contributing figures upon whose shoulders we stand and whose eponymous instruments we use commonly in rhinoplasty.

Ors, S; Ozkose, M; Ors, S.

APS - Vol. 39Various techniques are used in rhinoplasty. These techniques can be classified under transcolumellar approaches and endonasal procedures. Open rhinoplasty without transcolumellar incision (ORWTI) procedure can be described as a combination of these two techniques.