implantes mamarios

Ono MT; Karner BM
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open. 2019; 7 (11):e2523


La mastopexia de aumento es uno de los desafíos más difíciles que enfrentan los cirujanos plásticos, especialmente en lo que respecta a la sostenibilidad de la plenitud del polo superior y la corrección de la ptosis del polo inferior. Describimos nuestra técnica para la mastopexia de aumento que proporciona soporte muscular inferolateral al implante y estandariza una secuencia de etapas quirúrgicas para resolver múltiples situaciones y presentar los resultados de los pacientes que se sometieron a dicho abordaje.

Groth, A; Graf, R.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, February 2020, Volume 44, Issue 1

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is an uncommon T-cell, CD-30+/ALK lymphoma. Late (9 years) periprosthetic fluid (seroma) is the most common presentation (90% of the cases). A combination of textured breast implant, bacterial contamination, and genetic predisposition seems to be necessary for BIA-ALCL to occur. There are 35 million patients with implants in the world, and at the present moment, 573 cases of BIA-ALCL have been reported.

Magnusson, M. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: March 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 3S – p 74S-81S

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)The link between breast implants and systemic disease has been reported since the 1960s. Although many studies have looked at either supporting or refuting its existence, the issue still persists and has now been labeled “breast implant illness.” The rise of patient advocacy and communication through social media has led to an increasing number of presentations to plastic surgeons. This article summarizes the history of breast implants and systemic disease, critically analyzes the literature (and any associated deficiencies), and suggests a way forward through systematic scientific study.

Frois, A. O. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: September 2018 – Volume 6 – Issue 9 – p e1868

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)The usage of antibiotics and antiseptics to washout the breast pocket, or to soak the breast implant during surgery, has come under scrutiny in recent times. Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention give no recommendation for or against the usage of antibiotics in this regard. They do however offer a weak recommendation for washing tissues with iodophor. This systematic review aims to investigate the efficacy and impact of such topical antibiotic or antiseptic usage in reducing infection rates.

Fuertes Bielsa, V; Francés Monasterio, M; Fernández Palacios, J.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.43, no.4. oct./dic. 2017. pp.341-349

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_hugeLa reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con expansión y recambio por prótesis definitiva es una opción reconstructiva frecuente. En el presente estudio se planteó la siguiente pregunta ¿cuál es la secuencia temporal más adecuada cuando se usa en combinación con radioterapia?
Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en PUBMED con las palabras clave breast reconstruction, implant-based y radiotherapy desde enero de 2010 a enero de

Brown, T.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: March 2018 – Volume 6 – Issue 3 – p e1700

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)

Increased surface area of mammary implants is suggested as a causative agent for the development of biofilms, which may lead to capsular contraction. The aim of this study was to quantify the surface areas of round implants of different textures and examine how these data can be interpreted with regard to clinical observation.
Surface areas of textured round breast implants were calculated from previously reported confocal scanning microscopic assessment, and dimensions sourced from 3 breast implant manufacturers (McGhan, Mentor, and Silimed). Statistical comparisons were made between manufacturers for different implant volumes, profiles, and texturing.

Puskas, J. E; Luebbers, M. T.
Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. Volume 4, Issue 2. March/April 2012. Pages 153–168 

portada - WIREs Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology - Vol. 8; No. 2 (2016)This advanced review will discuss the history of implants used in breast reconstruction and augmentation, the most frequently performed plastic surgery today. Currently, only silicone rubber-based silica nanocomposite implants are available in the United States. The most prevalent issues involving breast implants include capsular contracture, gel bleed, implant rupture, and infection. The goal of this review is to survey the literature from the perspective of material science.

Riggio, E; Ardoino, I; Richardson, C; Biganzoli, E.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, June 2017, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp 203-212

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Preoperative implant planning for breast reconstruction is often at risk of being changed perioperatively. This study examined which factors are associated with a change of implant selection.
Women who had unilateral two-stage breast reconstruction between 2002 and 2007 were studied. Inclusion criteria were photographic evidence of preoperative skin markings indicating breast dimensions and a selected implant model. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with a changed selection.

Agarwal, S. et als.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2017-07-01, Volúmen 70, Número 7, Páginas 865-870

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 70; No. 7 (2017)Implant infections in the setting of breast reconstruction present a significant setback for patients with breast cancer. Traditional management of implant infections is predicated on the operative removal of the implant and delayed replacement. Another option for implant infection management has emerged in which the soft tissue infection is neutralized, the implant is removed, the surgical site is washed out, and a new implant replaced immediately. In this study, we present our findings with the implementation of this technique and an algorithm for choosing which patients are the most appropriate candidates on the basis of a retrospective review.