Villanueva, N. L; Afrooz, P. N; Carboy, J. A; Rohrich, R. J.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 6 – p 1179e–1188e

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)As the United States continues to be more ethnically and racially diverse, it is important for the rhinoplasty surgeon to have an appreciation and understanding of nasal variations that exist to plan for and execute ethnically congruent results. The nasal analysis is a critical component of the patient evaluation, which has been used as a tool by surgeons to identify deviations from anatomical norms or canons. In this article, the authors describe common nasal anatomical variations that exist between ethnic groups as a guide for nasal analysis. Understanding these variations will facilitate and help define important cultural aesthetics, which can be used to plan for rhinoplasties in a diverse patient population.

Macionis, V.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2018-07-01, Volumen 71, Número 7, Páginas 1086-1092

JPRAS -Vol. 71, No. 7 (2018)El 200 aniversario de la «Rinoplastia» de KF Graefe, el nombramiento de E. Zeis de la especialidad de cirugía plástica en 1838  y la discusión continua sobre qué es la cirugía plástica, han llevado a esta revisión histórico-conceptual con una visión semántica del significado de la palabra «Plástico». Una búsqueda en la literatura ha revelado que este término contiene aspectos duales: artístico y filosófico. Ampliar…

Varkey, M. et als.
Burns & Trauma. 2019; 7:4

Burn & Trauma. Vol. 3; 18 (2015)Burns are a significant cause of trauma, and over the years, the focus of patient care has shifted from just survival to facilitation of improved functional outcomes. Typically, burn treatment, especially in the case of extensive burn injuries, involves surgical excision of injured skin and reconstruction of the burn injury with the aid of skin substitutes. Conventional skin substitutes do not contain all skin cell types and do not facilitate recapitulation of native skin physiology. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting for reconstruction of burn injuries involves layer-by-layer deposition of cells along with scaffolding materials over the injured areas. Skin bioprinting can be done either in situ or in vitro.


Muñoz, B. et als.
Burns, Volume 45, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages 16-31

portada Burns Open - Vol. 2; No. 3 (2018)Sepsis is a life-threatening organ-dysfunction condition caused by a dysregulated response to an infectious condition that can cause complications in patients with major trauma. Burns are one of the most destructive forms of trauma; despite the improvements in medical care, infections remain an important cause of burn injury-related mortality and morbidity, and complicated sepsis predisposes patients to diverse complications such as organ failure, lengthening of hospital stays, and increased costs. Accurate diagnosis and early treatment of sepsis may have a beneficial impact on clinical outcome of burn-injured patients.


Suárez Oyhamburú, D; Escobar Ugarte, R.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.44, no.2. abr./jun. 2018. pp.169-176

portada - Cirugía Plástica Iberolatinoamericana_mediumDebido al alto costo y a la dificultad de adquisición de las matrices dérmicas acelulares u otros substitutos biológicos en nuestro medio para reforzar el polo inferior del músculo pectoral en reconstrucción mamaria inmediata, diferida o al sustituir el expansor por un implante definitivo, utilizamos matrices dérmicas autólogas (MDA) obtenidas de cicatrices abdominales, cesáreas previas, abdominoplastias o de la mama contralateral, a fin de evitar la extrusión protésica y preservar la marcación del surco submamario.

Cotofana, S; Lachman, N.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: February 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 2 – p 416–426

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive review based on images and discussion of the current understanding of the arterial supply of the face to facilitate safe minimally invasive antiaging procedures.

Borrelli, M et al
Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2019;7:e2092

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)La radioterapia ayuda a la curación o a palear a miles de pacientes con enfermedades malignas. Sin embargo, los efectos de la radioterapia sobre los tejidos adyacentes se ven muy afectados. El injerto graso ha ido ganando reconocimiento como una herramienta para revertir los cambios fibróticos de la piel y el rejuvenecimiento de la piel afectada. Los autores hacen una revisión del tema.

Rech M. et als.
Burns, 2019-02-01, Volúmen 45, Número 1, Páginas 32-41

portada - Burns - Vol. 40 (2014)Recently, many studies have demonstrated pleotropic effects of vitamin D, including immune modulation and cardiovascular system activity. Sufficient vitamin D concentrations and supplementation of vitamin D may be of benefit in burn-injured patients. Low 25(OH)D has been observed in nearly all pediatric and most adult burn patients.

Siotos, Ch. et als.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: January 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 1 – p 39–48

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)Postoperative skin necrosis in surgical patients is costly to hospitals and health care providers. Tumescent dissection technique is commonly used in mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction, as it helps reduce blood loss; however, it may increase the risk of mastectomy skin flap necrosis. In this context, the authors have conducted a systematic review of the literature to perform a meta-analysis of the relationship between tumescent technique in mastectomy with or without breast reconstruction and complication rates.