En la actualidad, la alogenosis iatrogénica es una condición reconocida en todo el orbe, especialmente en Latinoamérica, donde es evidente la ausencia de control en la administración de sustancias no reguladas con fines estéticos, lo que ha devenido un problema emergente por la magnitud de las complicaciones. Ampliar…
de Maio, M; Swift, A; Signorini, M; Fagien, S. on behalf of the aesthetic leaders in Facial Aesthetics Consensus Committee
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: August 2017 – Volume 140 – Issue 2 – p 265e–276e
Techniques for the administration of injectable fillers and neuromodulators for facial aesthetic rejuvenation and enhancement continue to evolve. As the number of physicians with limited experience in providing aesthetic treatments expands, the need for guidance and training from more experienced injectors has become apparent. The use of a slow, careful, and methodical injection technique is imperative in all treatment settings and for all facial areas. Constant attention to local anatomy, particularly arteries, veins, and nerve bundles, is critical for minimizing complications. This first article of a three-part series addresses techniques and recommendations for aesthetic treatment of the upper face.
Publicado: . En: Artículos recomendados.
Yamauchi, P. S.
Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2014; 7: 261–266
A plethora of soft tissue fillers have been developed within the past decade to correct the cutaneous changes that occur with photoaging. Such fillers, whether nonpermanent, semipermanent, or permanent, are widely used to fill undesired facial rhytides. In addition, fillers are employed to correct atrophy of the face as well as other parts of the body such as the dorsum of the hands through volumization and contouring.This review article focuses on the permanent filler, Aquamid, which is composed of polyacrylamide hydrogel.
Publicado: . En: Artículos recomendados.
Coiffman, F.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.38, no.1. ene./mar. 2008. pp.1-10
La necesidad de rellenar arrugas y otras depresiones en la piel ha llevado a la creación de múltiples sustancias inyectables. Los desastrosos resultados producidos por varias de estas sustancias meses o años después de ser inyectados, llevaron al autor a crear el término «alogenosis iatrogénica» y hacer una revisión del tema.
Publicado: . En: Artículos recomendados, Propuesta del editor.
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