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Lavrentieva, A.
Burns, 2016-02-01, Volúmen 42, Número 1, Páginas 13-19

 Burns - Vol. 40 (2014)

Recent publications on treatment options in critically ill patients change beliefs and clinical behaviors. Many dogmas, which the modern management of critical illness relies on, have been questioned. These publications (consensus articles, reviews, meta-analysis and original papers) concern some fundamental issues of critical care: interventions in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), hemodynamic monitoring, glucose control and nutritional support and revise our views on many key points of critical care of burn patients.

Piña Martínez, V; Castro Sierra, A.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.42, no.1. ene./mar. 2016. pp.13-20

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_huge

La contractura capsular (CC) es la complicación más común y frustrante en mujeres que se han sometido a cirugía de aumento mamario con fines estéticos. La causa es actualmente desconocida y se considera que a menudo participan varios factores conjuntamente.
Se realizó un estudio prospectivo observacional de casos y controles anidados en una cohorte de pacientes, llevado a cabo durante 4 años en la Clínica Ruber de Madrid.

Vallarta Rodríguez, R. A. et als.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.41, no.4. oct./dic. 2015. pp.349-358

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana (huge)Las técnicas actuales de rejuvenecimiento facial son producto de años de refinamiento técnico y la máxima expresión de la destreza del cirujano plástico moderno. El rejuvenecimiento del tercio medio facial ha retomado interés recientemente dado que permite reposicionar en bloque los tejidos de la región malar a su posición juvenil original. Como efecto agregado, atenúa el surco nasogeniano por tracción tisular secundaria. Para lograr este efecto se han descrito múltiples abordajes, planos de disección y métodos de fijación tisular.

Sachiko, K. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, December 2014 – Volume 2 – Issue 12 – p e272

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)

The present retrospective cohort study was performed to determine the efficacy of contact-mode 1064 nm neodymium-yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Nd:YAG) laser for keloids and hypertrophic scars. The indication and limitations of this modality are discussed. The cohort consisted of 102 consecutive Japanese patients (23 males and 79 females) with keloids and hypertrophic scars for more than 1 year. They were treated every 3–4 weeks for 1 year with a long-pulsed 1064 nm Nd:YAG laser (Cutera, Brisbane, Calif.) in contact mode.

Regmi, S; Gu, J; Zhang, N; Liu, H.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
, April 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 277-283

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)Fingertip reconstruction using reverse-flow homodigital island flaps has been very popular over the years. However, the outcomes of reconstruction have not been clearly understood. In these circumstances, a systematic review of available literature is warranted. A PubMed [MEDLINE] electronic database was searched (1985 to 15 April 2015).
Two review authors independently assessed search results, and two other review authors analyzed the data and resolved disagreements. The following endpoints were analyzed: survival rate of the flap, sensibility, and functional outcomes and complications.

Mohamadpour Toyserkani, N; Quaade, M. L; , April 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 309-318

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)Autologous lipotransfer is seen as an ideal filler for soft tissue reconstruction. The main limitation of this procedure is the unpredictable resorption and volume loss of the fat graft. In the recent decade, an increasing amount of research has focused on the use of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) to enrich the fat graft, a procedure termed cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL). The aim of this review was to systematically review the current preclinical and clinical evidence for the efficacy of CAL compared with conventional lipotransfer.

Mototsugu, F; Asako, I.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, June 2014 – Volume 2 – Issue 6 – p e162

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)Although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is nowadays a common method in various medical fields, including cosmetic surgery or dermatology, the expensiveness of the kit for processing is still a hurdle.
A new unique economic method for preparing PRP was reported. The method consists in a simple modification of a disposable 5-mL syringe that allows insertion into a common centrifuge and positioning of the syringe on the centrifuge so the PRP separates next to the tip of the syringe.

Cox, S. G; Martinez, R; Glick, A; Numanoglu, A; Rode, H.
Burns, 2015-12-01, Volúmen 41, Número 8, Pages 1805-1810

portada - Burns - Vol. 40; No 6 (2014)This study was a component of a broader review to evaluate burn care in South Africa. A prospective audit of 353 children with thermal injuries admitted to the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town was performed during 2012/2013. The audit was based to assess the adherence of initial burn management to the provincial policy guidelines on the clinical management of the burn wound. The community management of each patient prior to admission to a burns centre was assessed for the following: basic demographics, emergency home management, wound cover, analgesia and transport to medical facilities.

Swanson, E.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, December 2014 – Volume 2 – Issue 12 – p e281

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)Breast reduction is well-known to provide an improvement in physical symptoms. However, measurements show that this procedure is less effective in restoring upper-pole fullness. Breast implants effectively augment the upper pole. This study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness and safety of this treatment combination.
This retrospective study consists of 3 parts: (1) a clinical study, (2) breast measurements, and (3) an outcome study. Eighty consecutive women undergoing breast reduction (n = 56) or breast reduction plus implants (n = 24) were evaluated. All breast implants were inserted submuscularly.