A review of community management of paediatric burns

Cox, S. G; Martinez, R; Glick, A; Numanoglu, A; Rode, H.
Burns, 2015-12-01, Volúmen 41, Número 8, Pages 1805-1810

portada - Burns - Vol. 40; No 6 (2014)This study was a component of a broader review to evaluate burn care in South Africa. A prospective audit of 353 children with thermal injuries admitted to the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital in Cape Town was performed during 2012/2013. The audit was based to assess the adherence of initial burn management to the provincial policy guidelines on the clinical management of the burn wound. The community management of each patient prior to admission to a burns centre was assessed for the following: basic demographics, emergency home management, wound cover, analgesia and transport to medical facilities.

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