2017 Archivos

Hardwicke, J; Kohlhardt, A; Moiemen, N.
Burns, 2015-06-01, Volúmen 41, Número 4, Páginas 680-688

portada - Burns - Vol. 40 (2014)The Medical Research Council Burns and Industrial Injuries Unit at the Birmingham Accident Hospital pioneered civilian burn care and research in the United Kingdom during the post-war years. A photographic archive has been discovered that documents this period from 1945 to 1975. The aim of this project was to sort, digitize and archive the images in a secure format for future reference.

Singh, M; Nuutila, K; Collins, K. C; Huang, A.
Burns, 2017-09-01, Volúmen 43, Número 6, Páginas 1149-1154

portada - Burns - Vol. 40 (2014)Skin grafting is the current standard care in the treatment of full thickness burns. It was first described around 1500 BC but the vast majority of advancements have been achieved over the past 200 years.
An extensive literature review was conducted on Pubmed, Medline and Google Scholar researching the evolution of skin grafting techniques. The authors concentrated on the major landmarks of skin grafting and also provide an overview of ongoing research efforts in this field.

Barillo D. J. et als.
Burns, 2017-09-01, Volúmen 43, Número 6, Páginas 1189-1194

portada - Burns - Vol. 40 (2014)Xeroform ® is a petrolatum-based fine mesh gauze containing 3% bismuth tribromophenate. Bismuth, similar to other metals, has antimicrobial properties. Xeroform ® has been used for decades in burn and plastic surgery as a donor site dressing and as a covering for wounds or partial thickness burns. Despite this, the antimicrobial spectrum of Xeroform ® remains largely unknown. We examined the in-vitro efficacy of Xeroform ® against common burn pathogens using zone-of-inhibition methodology in a commercial research facility.

Berríos ­Torres, S; Umscheid, C; Bratzler, D; Leas, B. et als.
JAMA Surg. 2017; 152(8): 784-­791

The human and financial costs of treating surgical site infections (SSIs) are Jama Surgery logo_medium (fondo transparente)increasing. The number of surgical procedures performed in the United States continues to rise, and surgical patients are initially seen with increasingly complex comorbidities. It is estimated that approximately half of SSIs are deemed preventable using evidence-based strategies.

Delay, E; Guerid, S; Meruta, A. C.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2018-01-01, Volumen 45, Número 1, Páginas 101-110

cov200hThe treatment of sequelae after conservative breast cancer treatment can be a challenge. Lipomodeling, although controversial in the beginning, is a safe technique that can help in the treatment of these deformities, without an important impact on the imaging surveillance. Depending on the severity of the deformity, one or several sessions of fat transfer can be required.

Paul, M. D.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2008-07-01, Volúmen 35, Número 3, Páginas 451-461

portada - Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 36 (2008)This article describes the indications and techniques related to the use of barbed sutures in facial aesthetic plastic surgery. The principle applications for barbed sutures in facial aesthetic plastic surgery are those involving lifts of the brow, midface, and the lower face and neck. Usually all three areas require surgical maneuvers to create a harmonious rejuvenation. Regardless of where in the face bidirectional barbed sutures are planned, five essential steps are needed: (1) making the incision or incisions, (2) dissecting soft tissue, (3) proximal anchoring, (4) deploying threads, and (5) molding soft tissue.

Riggio, E; Ardoino, I; Richardson, C; Biganzoli, E.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, June 2017, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp 203-212

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Preoperative implant planning for breast reconstruction is often at risk of being changed perioperatively. This study examined which factors are associated with a change of implant selection.
Women who had unilateral two-stage breast reconstruction between 2002 and 2007 were studied. Inclusion criteria were photographic evidence of preoperative skin markings indicating breast dimensions and a selected implant model. Multivariable logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with a changed selection.

convención ameijeiras - presentación Dra. Yamilé

LA HABANA, 12 de diciembre de 2017 – Convención Científica XXXV Aniversario de la fundación del Hospital Clínico – Quirúrgico «Hermanos Ameijeiras». En el marco de la Convención, se celebró el día viernes 1ro. de diciembre la sesión dedicada a Cirugía Reconstructiva y Estética, en la que estuvo presente el Presidente de nuestra Sociedad, Dr. Rafael Rodríguez. Ampliar…