2017 Archivos

Knowlin, L. et als.
Burns, 2016-11-01, Volúmen 42, Número 7, Pages 1433-1438

portada - Burns - Vol. 40; No 6 (2014)The ability to better prognosticate burn injury outcome is challenging and historically, most center use the Baux or revised Baux score to help prognosticate burn outcome, however, the weighted contribution of comorbidity on burn mortality has traditionally not been accounted for nor adequately studied. We therefore sought to determine the effect of comorbidities, using the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) on burn mortality.

XLVIII congreso AMCPER - Rafael & Alicia + residentes_foto familiaCancún, México. 19 de mayo de 2016 – XLVIII Congreso Anual Internacional de la AMCPER 2017. Una delegación de especialistas cubanos y residentes mexicanos que estudian en Cuba, encabezados por el presidente de la Sociedad Cubana de Cirugía Plástica y Caumatología, Dr. Rafael Rodríguez, participaron en el magno evento de los cirujanos plásticos de México. Ampliar…

Giacomotti, J; Ali, A; López, T; Piqué, H.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.42, no.4. oct./dic. 2016. pp.313-320

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_hugeEn este artículo se presenta un heterogéneo conjunto compuesto por 30 prototipos nasales, seleccionados deliberadamente 10 que presentaban perfil con óptima definición del dorso y piel de grosor intermedio con el fin de investigar sistemáticamente, en estos últimos, al segmento inicial del borde superior de la rama alar externa y al tramo distal del borde anterior del cartílago triangular. Mediante disecciones rutinarias, se realizó el análisis con material de individuos adultos, de ambos sexos y raza blanca, previamente formolizado.

Tao Wang, Z. et als.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2017-04-01, Volúmen 44, Número 2, Páginas 211-231

portada - Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 44; No. 2 (2017)This article presents the authors’ understanding and experience concerning anatomic studies and clinical methods in microsurgical hand reconstruction. The 4 parts of this article include anatomic study of the hand for developing new flaps; application of miniflaps from the hand, including clinical experience with 8 unique flaps in the hand; anatomic and clinical considerations concerning several flaps from other parts of the human body and the experience with vascularized free toe joint transfer.

Dinah, W; Rohrich, R.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: Post Editor Corrections: May 25, 2017

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)The increasing variety of breast implants has led to their classification into «profile» types to guide implant cataloguing and selection. Implant «profile» describes the overall silhouette of the implant. It represents a permutation of all 3 dimensions of the implant: base diameter, projection, and volume. Implant «profile» is not the same as implant projection. Implant projection is a quantifiable linear measurement of the anterior-posterior dimension of the implant, whereas implant «profile» is a vendor-driven assessment that currently lacks universal standardization. Until «profile» assessments are standardized across vendors, it behooves us to be cognizant of their limitations as primary variables used to guide implant selection.

Marchesi, A. et als.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, April 2017, Volume 41, Issue 2, pp 352–358

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a rare, potentially fatal, infective complication that can occur after surgery. Diagnosis is still difficult and mainly based on clinical data. Only a prompt pharmacological and surgical therapy can avoid dramatic consequences. There are few reports regarding NF as a complication after aesthetic surgical procedures, and a systematic review still lacks.

Cardenas-Camarena, L; Dorado, C; Guerrero; M; Nava, R.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, June 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 507–516

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Aesthetic breast area improvements for gynecomastia and gender dysphoria patients who seek a more masculine appearance have increased recently. We present our clinical experience in breast masculinization and a classification for these patients.
From July 2003 to May 2014, 68 patients seeking a more masculine thorax underwent surgery. They were divided into five groups depending on three factors: excess fatty tissue, breast tissue, and skin. A specific surgical treatment was assigned according to each group. The surgical treatments included thoracic liposuction, subcutaneous mastectomy, periareolar skin resection in one or two stages, and mastectomy with a nipple areola complex graft.

Sidhoum,  N. et als
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2016-11-01, Volúmen 69, Número 11, Páginas 1562-1563

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 69; No. 11 (2016)Within a surgical department, communication is of the essence. Provided and adapted exchange between practitioners is the key to achieve premium patient care and optimize therapeutic strategies. With the use of smartphones, instant messaging applications face a growing popularity in both private and professional sectors, serving as a secure, efficient, and economical communication tool by optimizing transmission and data usage within teams.
Here, we aim to present the experience and results of the plastic surgery team in CHU Amiens using instant messaging as part of our medical transmissions for nearly three years.

Hua Tang, C.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2017-04-01, Volúmen 44, Número 2, Páginas xix-xxv

portada - Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 44; No. 2 (2017)The Department of Orthopedics and Replantation Research Laboratory of the Sixth People’s Hospital of Shanghai was at the forefront of technical innovation and development of limb and digital replantation and early microsurgery in the mid-1960s, half a century ago. This was a period when the entirety of China was isolated from the rest of the world, with revolutionary movements spreading over the entire country. Almost unbelievably, the early development of microsurgery took place during this period, unknown to the rest of the world. As a member of the earliest research team in the replantation laboratory and a member of the surgical team in the department, the author recollects some little-known facts dating back half a century that led to now-familiar techniques in microsurgery.