2016 Archivos

Chaffoo, R. A. K.
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, 2013-11-01, Volúmen 21, Número 4, Pages 551-558

portada - Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America - Vol. 21; No. 4 (2013)Rhytidectomy remains a challenging surgical procedure for even the most experienced aesthetic plastic surgeons. The challenges are compounded by complications that are inherent to this procedure and place added pressure on the doctor-patient relationship. Expectations for both parties are high and the margin for error nil. This article presents a personal approach to the avoidance and management of complications associated with facelift surgery. It presents the author’s personal approach as a plastic surgeon in the practice of aesthetic plastic surgery over the past 25 years. Clinical pearls are provided to obtain optimum results in rhytidectomy and limit associated sequelae.

Cheng, N. X. et als.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2011-07-01, Volúmen 64, Número 7, Pages e185-e186

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 64; 7 (2011)Late haematomas and seromas (≥4 months postoperatively) in breasts with silicone prosthesis have been reported. Since 2001, there have only four patients with such delayed complication visiting our hospitals. The purpose of this literature review and our case presentation is to have more understanding about the clinical symptoms, surgical managements and relationship with implants for this late complication.

Veronesi, P; De Lorenzi, F; Loschi, P; Rietjens, M; Veronesi, U.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, February 2016, pp 1-10

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery in the United States, and thousands of augmented patients develop breast cancer each year. The possible effects of implants on cancer incidence, diagnosis, and treatment usually generate a disarming confusion. The present paper represents an update of the more recent oncologic and surgical strategies, aiming to support plastic and general surgeons in such challenging aspects. Several aspects of breast cancer management in augmented women are investigated, including: risk estimation and cancer characteristics, cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment including breast conservation, intraoperative radiotherapy, sentinel node biopsy and mastectomy, and reconstruction.

Chia, H. L. et als.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, June 2015, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp 183-188

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Autologous fat transplantation is a promising technique for soft tissue augmentation. However, the long-term maintenance of fat grafts remains unpredictable. Based on Peer’s cell theory, techniques that cause less cellular damage will optimize graft integration. Water jet-assisted liposuction (WAL) was introduced as a gentle and efficient technique for harvesting a large volume of fat in a short period of time. In this study, we evaluated the viability and function of adipocytes and preadipocytes harvested using WAL and compared this with the Coleman technique.

Lefemine, V; Enoch, S; Boyce, D. E.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery,
April 2009, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 63-75

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Despite significant advances in therapeutic options, pressure ulcers continue to pose a challenge to physicians and surgeons and frequently require multidisciplinary input. In addition, they place huge financial burdens on health care providers. Generally classified as grades I to IV depending on the extent and severity of the ulcer, grades I and II are usually amenable to conservative management. Grades III and IV may require surgical intervention, which could either be simple debridement or complex reconstructive microsurgery. Direct closure or skin grafting is useful in only a small number of early pressure ulcers. For non-healing and advanced pressure ulcers, reconstructive surgery is indicated, which consists of soft tissue flap coverage such as fasciocutaneous, musculocutaneous, perforator, or free flaps.

Serghiou, M. A; Niszczak, J; Parry, I; Richard, R.
Burns, 2016-03-01, Volúmen 42, Número 2, Pages 267-275

portada - Burns - Vol. 40; No 6 (2014)The objective of this review was to systematically examine whether there is clinical evidence to support recommendations for positioning patients with acute burn. Review of the literature revealed minimal evidence-based practice regarding the positioning of burn patients in the acute and intermediate phases of recovery. This manuscript describes recommendations based on the limited evidence found in the literature as well as the expert opinion of burn rehabilitation specialists. These positioning recommendations are designed to guide those rehabilitation professionals who treat burn survivors during their acute hospitalization and are intended to assist in the understanding and development of effective positioning regimens.

Terino, E.
Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, 2008-05-01, Volúmen 16, Número 2, Pages 165-171

portada - Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics - Vol. 16; No. 6 (2008)With the popularity of cosmetic surgery procedures, it is vital that the surgeon select patients for procedures who likely will benefit, handle stress in a healthy manner, and not pose an undue level of aggravation to the surgeon and staff. By using a carefully planned preoperative written assessment, the surgeon can help identify patients who, for psychologic reasons, are emotionally suitable for such surgery.


Singer, M. et als.
JAMA. 2016; 315(8):801-810

Journal of The American Medical Association (JAMA)

Definitions of sepsis and septic shock were last revised in 2001. Limitations of previous definitions included an excessive focus on inflammation, the misleading model that sepsis follows a continuum through severe sepsis to shock, and inadequate specificity and sensitivity of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) criteria. Considerable advances have since been made into the pathobiology (changes in organ function, morphology, cell biology, biochemistry, immunology, and circulation), management, and epidemiology of sepsis, suggesting the need for reexamination.

León Rodríguez, Y; Rodríguez Garcell, R.
Revista Electronica de Portales Medicos; Cuidados Intensivos y Cuidados Criticos, 14/09/2010.

portada- Revista Electrónica Portales MédicosLas infecciones constituyen actualmente, la principal amenaza vital en los pacientes tras una agresión térmica severa, siendo la principal causa de morbi-mortalidad de estos. La incidencia de infección en los pacientes quemados varía mucho de unas unidades de quemados a otras, y se halla claramente asociada al porcentaje de superficie corporal quemada (SCQ). Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de 107 pacientes ingresados en la unidad de quemados del Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras en el período de enero de 2006 hasta diciembre 2008, con el diagnóstico de quemaduras, los que fueron estratificados según el porcentaje de SCQ.