
Danilla Enei, S. et als.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.44, no.1. ene./mar. 2018. pp.13-17

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_huge

El recto abdominal es un músculo que consta, generalmente, de 3 inserciones tendinosas transversas. La lipoescultura de alta definición apunta a delinear la musculatura abdominal, sin embargo, una de sus dificultades es determinar mediante la anatomía de superficie el número de metámeros presentes.
En este artículo se describieron las variaciones en el número de metámeros del músculo recto del abdomen en la población chilena mediante análisis de tomografía computarizada de abdomen y pelvis, así como se determinó si existe un patrón para la marcación quirúrgica de los metámeros.


Del Vecchio, D; Wall, S.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: May 2018 – Volume 141 – Issue 5 – p 639e–649e

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)Despite rapid growth, gluteal fat transplantation is an operation in search of science and a teachable technique. Long operating times, tedious syringe transfers, inability to shape the recipient site, and the risk of fat embolism all headline as impediments to clinical adoption of the procedure. Expansion vibration lipofilling is a syringe-free surgical strategy that is a logical extension of Separation, Aspiration, and Fat Equalization (SAFELipo). In expansion vibration lipofilling, there is simultaneous disruption of recipient-site connective tissue, internal expansion using exploded-tip cannulas, and backfilling of these spaces with roller pump–propelled fat.

Pereira Netto, D. et als.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
April 2018, Volume 42, Issue 2, pp 376–383

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Liposuction is the most performed surgical procedure in Brazil and the second in the world. In recent years, new technologies have been developed in an attempt to improve liposuction, such as laser. The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of laser-assisted liposuction (LAL) compared to traditional liposuction through a systematic review of the literature.

Cardenas-Camarena, L; Dorado, C; Guerrero; M; Nava, R.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, June 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 507–516

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Aesthetic breast area improvements for gynecomastia and gender dysphoria patients who seek a more masculine appearance have increased recently. We present our clinical experience in breast masculinization and a classification for these patients.
From July 2003 to May 2014, 68 patients seeking a more masculine thorax underwent surgery. They were divided into five groups depending on three factors: excess fatty tissue, breast tissue, and skin. A specific surgical treatment was assigned according to each group. The surgical treatments included thoracic liposuction, subcutaneous mastectomy, periareolar skin resection in one or two stages, and mastectomy with a nipple areola complex graft.

Moretti, E. et als.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.42, no.3. jul./sep. 2015. pp.227-232

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_hugeEl concepto de marcación abdominal o «six packs» ha incrementado su demanda entre los pacientes que consultan por remodelación corporal. El uso en liposucción del ultrasonido quirúrgico de tercera generación, permite mejorar los resultados y lograr mayor definición de las zonas tratadas. Sin embargo, no está exento de complicaciones como quemaduras cutáneas. En este artículo, los autores se plantearon demostrar la potencia y el tiempo de contacto cutáneo perjudicial para la piel.

Yuen Wong, K; Malata, C.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2014-07-01, Volúmen 67, Número 7, Pages 921-926

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 67; No. 7 (2014)Numerous surgical techniques exist for gynaecomastia treatment. Although ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL) is thought to be more effective than conventional liposuction, to date there remains no objective and direct comparison of the two modalities. Hence, a comparative study was performed of a single surgeon’s experience over 13 years using two definitive parameters, namely intraoperative conversion to open excision and postoperative revisional surgery rates.

Gusenoff, J.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2014-10-01, Volúmen 41, Número 4, Pages 805-818

Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 4 (2014)This patient safety article discusses strategies to prevent, diagnose, and manage complications from body contouring surgery. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative approaches to avoiding, identifying, and treating complications are addressed. Individual complications, such as hematoma, seroma, infection, dehiscence, suture extrusion, deep venous thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism are discussed and a review of complication rates in the body contouring literature is provided. The article addresses procedure-specific complications and pearls to avoiding complications in these cases. Difficult problems such as skin relaxation and management of the disappointed patient are also discussed.

Chatel, H. et als.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2016-05-01, Volúmen 69, Número 5, Pages 700-705

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 69; No. 5 (2016)Persistent postsurgical pain (PPP) has been reported by patients following various surgeries. Body contouring procedures are being performed more frequently, but no data are available regarding the effects of these procedures. Long-term disability occurring after performing “functional” procedures on healthy subjects is a particular concern. The aim of this study was to describe the risk factors, prevalence, characteristics, and effects of persistent pain after body contouring procedures.


Escobar Vega, H. et als.
Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición; Volumen 25. Número 1 (Enero –Junio del 2015): 123-131

portada - RCAN - Vol. 25; No. 1 (2015)_hugeMás allá del propósito esteticista, la liposucción pudiera influir a mediano plazo sobre indicadores globales y regionales de adiposidad del sujeto. En el presente artículo, se evaluó el impacto de la liposucción sobre el comportamiento postoperatorio mediato del peso corporal, el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), y las circunferencias de la cintura y la cadera. Se realizó u estudio retrospectivo, analítico, en cincuenta mujeres, no obesas, con un promedio de 34 años de edad, en las que se realizó una liposucción por el método superhúmedo, fijándose el volumen máximo de grasa subcutánea aspirado en 2,500 mL.