
Regmi, S; Gu, J; Zhang, N; Liu, H.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
, April 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 277-283

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)Fingertip reconstruction using reverse-flow homodigital island flaps has been very popular over the years. However, the outcomes of reconstruction have not been clearly understood. In these circumstances, a systematic review of available literature is warranted. A PubMed [MEDLINE] electronic database was searched (1985 to 15 April 2015).
Two review authors independently assessed search results, and two other review authors analyzed the data and resolved disagreements. The following endpoints were analyzed: survival rate of the flap, sensibility, and functional outcomes and complications.

Gálvez Chávez, J. C; Sánchez Wals, L; Morales Tirado, R.
Revista Cubana de Cirugía; Vol. 51, Núm. 4 (2010)

portada - Revista Cubana de Cirugía

Desde 1957 la expansión tisular se ha convertido en una técnica muy utilizada en cirugía reconstructiva, pues permite obtener gran cantidad de tejido blando para corregir defectos cutáneos. En Cuba se ha publicado muy poco sobre la utilización de expansores cutáneos de la región frontal para la reconstrucción nasal. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar la utilidad del colgajo frontal expandido, para la reconstrucción de defectos nasales distales de espesor total en pacientes con frente corta.

Can Dölen, U; Sungur, N; Koçer, U.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery,
December 2014, Volume 37, Issue 12, pp 635-642

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Local skin flaps are used to close defects adjacent to the donor site. They are classified according to their method of movement: flaps that advance from its base to the defect (V-Y, Y-V, single-pedicle, and bipedicle advancement flaps) and flaps that move on a pivot point (rotation, transposition, and interpolation flaps). Despite its frequent use, there is not a unique name for V-Y rotation advancement flap; moreover, there is not a flap class called “rotation advancement” in the textbooks. A systematic review of the literature was conducted using “PubMed” and “Google Scholar” in December 2013.

Lefemine, V; Enoch, S; Boyce, D. E.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery,
April 2009, Volume 32, Issue 2, pp 63-75

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Despite significant advances in therapeutic options, pressure ulcers continue to pose a challenge to physicians and surgeons and frequently require multidisciplinary input. In addition, they place huge financial burdens on health care providers. Generally classified as grades I to IV depending on the extent and severity of the ulcer, grades I and II are usually amenable to conservative management. Grades III and IV may require surgical intervention, which could either be simple debridement or complex reconstructive microsurgery. Direct closure or skin grafting is useful in only a small number of early pressure ulcers. For non-healing and advanced pressure ulcers, reconstructive surgery is indicated, which consists of soft tissue flap coverage such as fasciocutaneous, musculocutaneous, perforator, or free flaps.

Dávalos Dávalos, P; Ramírez Rivera, J. I; Dávalos Dávalos, P. A.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.41, no.1. ene./mar. 2015. pp. 33-39

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana (huge)La reconstrucción mamaria inmediata postmastectomía radical modificada o subcutánea devuelve la feminidad a las pacientes al crear una neomama con volumen adecuado, simetría, visión tridimensional, forma anatómica y sensibilidad táctil en el área reconstruida. Para este fin se han descrito múltiples técnicas quirúrgicas. Describimos nuestra técnica quirúrgica mediante la cual, al realizar la mastectomía, creamos un bolsillo retromuscular amplio, sin tensión, conformado por el músculo pectoral mayor que es desinsertado en su base inferior, y un colgajo con pedículo lateral interno del músculo oblicuo externo, los cuales al suturarse entre sí, cubren, protegen y crean un amplio bolsillo para el expansor o prótesis mamaria. Estos colgajos se cubren a su vez por un colgajo cutáneo-adiposo.

Agha, R; Fowler, A; Herlin, C; Goodacre, T; Orgill, D.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2015-02-01, Volúmen 68, Número 2, Pages 143-161

JPRAS - Vol. 68The prestigious magazine Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery publish this article about an actual issue at the Services of Plastic Surgery. There is growing interest in the use of autologous fat grafting (AFG) for breast reconstruction. Concerns have been raised regarding its effectiveness and safety. The primary objective was to determine the oncological, clinical, aesthetic and functional, patient reported, process and radiological outcomes of AFG.