cirugía estética

Mohamadpour Toyserkani, N; Quaade, M. L; , April 2016, Volume 40, Issue 2, pp 309-318

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)Autologous lipotransfer is seen as an ideal filler for soft tissue reconstruction. The main limitation of this procedure is the unpredictable resorption and volume loss of the fat graft. In the recent decade, an increasing amount of research has focused on the use of adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) to enrich the fat graft, a procedure termed cell-assisted lipotransfer (CAL). The aim of this review was to systematically review the current preclinical and clinical evidence for the efficacy of CAL compared with conventional lipotransfer.

Mototsugu, F; Asako, I.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, June 2014 – Volume 2 – Issue 6 – p e162

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)Although platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is nowadays a common method in various medical fields, including cosmetic surgery or dermatology, the expensiveness of the kit for processing is still a hurdle.
A new unique economic method for preparing PRP was reported. The method consists in a simple modification of a disposable 5-mL syringe that allows insertion into a common centrifuge and positioning of the syringe on the centrifuge so the PRP separates next to the tip of the syringe.

Swanson, E.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, December 2014 – Volume 2 – Issue 12 – p e281

portada - PRS Golbal Open - Vol. 1; No. 3 (2013)Breast reduction is well-known to provide an improvement in physical symptoms. However, measurements show that this procedure is less effective in restoring upper-pole fullness. Breast implants effectively augment the upper pole. This study was undertaken to determine the effectiveness and safety of this treatment combination.
This retrospective study consists of 3 parts: (1) a clinical study, (2) breast measurements, and (3) an outcome study. Eighty consecutive women undergoing breast reduction (n = 56) or breast reduction plus implants (n = 24) were evaluated. All breast implants were inserted submuscularly.

Joseph, W. J. et als.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
June 2016, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp 372-379

portada - APS - Vol. 39 (2015)

The aim of this study was to perform an updated systematic review of the literature over the last 10 years, analyzing and comparing the many published techniques with the hope of providing plastic surgeons with a new standard in creating the perfect umbilicus in the setting of both abdominoplasty and abdominally based free-flap breast reconstruction.
An initial search using the PubMed online database with the keyword “umbilicoplasty” was performed. These results were filtered to only include articles published within the last 10 years. The remaining articles were thoroughly reviewed by the authors and only those pertaining to techniques for umbilicoplasty in the setting of abdominoplasty and abdominally based free flap were included.

Escobar Vega, H. et als.
Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición; Volumen 25. Número 1 (Enero –Junio del 2015): 123-131

portada - RCAN - Vol. 25; No. 1 (2015)_hugeMás allá del propósito esteticista, la liposucción pudiera influir a mediano plazo sobre indicadores globales y regionales de adiposidad del sujeto. En el presente artículo, se evaluó el impacto de la liposucción sobre el comportamiento postoperatorio mediato del peso corporal, el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC), y las circunferencias de la cintura y la cadera. Se realizó u estudio retrospectivo, analítico, en cincuenta mujeres, no obesas, con un promedio de 34 años de edad, en las que se realizó una liposucción por el método superhúmedo, fijándose el volumen máximo de grasa subcutánea aspirado en 2,500 mL.

Cohen, S. R; Mailey, B.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2012-10-01, Volúmen 39, Número 4, Pages 453-464

portada - Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 39; No. 4 (2012)

The identification of regenerative cells in adult human fat has invigorated the field of facial fat grafting. This article reviews traditional and cell-enriched fat grafting methods and the use of fat to create or refine aesthetic results. The rationale and potential applications of adipocyte-derived stem and regenerative cells in facial surgery are also described. The reader is presented with surgical techniques for harvesting and delivering fat grafts to optimize engraftment. Mesotherapy and related applications currently under investigation are also discussed.

Afrooz, P. N; Pozner, J. N; Di Bernardo, B. E.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2014-10-01, Volúmen 41, Número 4, Pages 789-804

Clinics in Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 4 (2014)Major surgical body contouring procedures have several inherent drawbacks, including hospitalization, anesthetic use, pain, swelling, and prolonged recovery. It is for these reasons that body contouring through noninvasive and minimally invasive methods has become one of the most alluring areas in aesthetic surgery. Patient expectations and demands have driven the field toward safer, less-invasive procedures with less discomfort, fewer complications, and a shorter recovery. In this article, the current minimally invasive and noninvasive modalities for body contouring are reviewed.

Escobar Vega, H. et als.
Revista Cubana de Alimentación y Nutrición; Volumen 24. Número 2 (Julio – Diciembre del 2014): 123-131

portada - RCAN - Vol. 25; No. 1 (2015)_huge

La liposucción, como procedimiento asistido mediante el cual se retiran volúmenes prefijados de grasa subcutánea, puede influir en las fracciones lipídicas séricas. Mientras mayor sea el volumen extraído de grasa subcutánea, mayor será el cambio en el tamaño de la fracción. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, analítico, midiéndose los valores perioperatorios (7 días antes del proceder, a las 24 horas de realizado, a los 7 días, a los 30 días y a los 60 días) de las fracciones lipídicas séricas de 50 pacientes, en las que se realizó una liposucción en grados leves y moderados.