En este artículo se presenta la visión futurista que de su especialidad tienen siete líderes de opinión estrechamente comprometidos con la patología mamaria. Las especialidades incluidas fueron radiología, patología, cirugía, cirugía plástica, medicina nuclear, oncología médica y oncología radioterápica. Ampliar…
La congestión venosa es la principal causa de complicación en la reconstrucción microquirúrgica de mama. Entre sus posibles motivos, son de especial interés las características de los vasos receptores. Las venas mamarias internas son la primera opción como venas receptoras. Ampliar…
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El cáncer mamario es el más frecuente en las mujeres puesto que el riesgo de padecimiento a lo largo de la vida oscila entre un 10 % y un 12 %. La mastectomía ha sido el tratamiento estándar por más de una centuria, aunque, en las últimas décadas las técnicas reconstructivas han sido reconocidas como parte del tratamiento integral del mismo. Ampliar…
Publicado: . En: Artículos de autores cubanos.
Hamnett, K. E; Subramanian, A.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2016-10-01, Volúmen 69, Número 10, Pages 1325-1334
Women not undergoing breast reconstruction after mastectomy tend to be older. This review aims to aid in effective, evidence-based choices regarding breast reconstruction in an older population, appraising the influencing patient factors described in the literature and those directing the reconstructive surgeon. This may refute current misconceptions and ensure surgical decisions are made based on evidence without ageist assumptions. The review forms the basis of an evidence-based algorithm addressing each step of the decision-making process.
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Howes, B. et als.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2016-09-01, Volúmen 69, Número 9, Pages 1184-1191
Patient reported outcomes and quality of life following mastectomy are not well understood. This study evaluates the quality of life following surgery for breast cancer and compares outcomes following breast conserving surgery versus total mastectomy with or without reconstruction.
A case-controlled cross-sectional study was conducted using the validated BREAST-Q™ questionnaire and a study-specific questionnaire to determine patient’s views about surgical outcomes. Questionnaires were completed by patients following breast-conserving surgery and total mastectomy with or without reconstruction and by controls without breast cancer. A one-way ANOVA was used to compare mean BREAST-Q™ scores between groups and post hoc analysis using Tukey’s and Kruskal–Wallis tests.
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Sánchez Wals, L; Mestre Fernández, B; Galán Álvarez, Y.
Revista Cubana de Cirugía; Vol. 53, Núm. 1 (2014)
El impacto psicológico causado por la cirugía radical de la mama afecta la percepción femenina de la propia imagen, y lo hace sumado al daño causado por la propia enfermedad. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo que tuvo como objetivo, caracterizar las experiencias en la reconstrucción mamaria posmastectomía en las pacientes atendidas en el Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología entre enero de 2008 y diciembre de 2012.
Publicado: . En: Artículos de autores cubanos.
Veronesi, P; De Lorenzi, F; Loschi, P; Rietjens, M; Veronesi, U.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, February 2016, pp 1-10
Breast augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery in the United States, and thousands of augmented patients develop breast cancer each year. The possible effects of implants on cancer incidence, diagnosis, and treatment usually generate a disarming confusion. The present paper represents an update of the more recent oncologic and surgical strategies, aiming to support plastic and general surgeons in such challenging aspects. Several aspects of breast cancer management in augmented women are investigated, including: risk estimation and cancer characteristics, cancer diagnosis and cancer treatment including breast conservation, intraoperative radiotherapy, sentinel node biopsy and mastectomy, and reconstruction.
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Nipple-sparing mastectomy (NSM) has been increasingly used to treat women with breast cancer who wish to preserve the overlying breast skin, but concern remains regarding tumor recurrence. We report our experience performing NSM for breast cancer treatment and prophylaxis over a 6-year period.
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