Propuesta del editor

En este artículo se presenta la visión futurista que de su especialidad tienen siete líderes de opinión estrechamente comprometidos con la patología mamaria. Las especialidades incluidas fueron radiología, patología, cirugía, cirugía plástica, medicina nuclear, oncología médica y oncología radioterápica. Ampliar…

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Magnusson, M. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: March 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 3S – p 74S-81S

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)The link between breast implants and systemic disease has been reported since the 1960s. Although many studies have looked at either supporting or refuting its existence, the issue still persists and has now been labeled “breast implant illness.” The rise of patient advocacy and communication through social media has led to an increasing number of presentations to plastic surgeons. This article summarizes the history of breast implants and systemic disease, critically analyzes the literature (and any associated deficiencies), and suggests a way forward through systematic scientific study.

Varkey, M. et als.
Burns & Trauma. 2019; 7:4

Burn & Trauma. Vol. 3; 18 (2015)Burns are a significant cause of trauma, and over the years, the focus of patient care has shifted from just survival to facilitation of improved functional outcomes. Typically, burn treatment, especially in the case of extensive burn injuries, involves surgical excision of injured skin and reconstruction of the burn injury with the aid of skin substitutes. Conventional skin substitutes do not contain all skin cell types and do not facilitate recapitulation of native skin physiology. Three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting for reconstruction of burn injuries involves layer-by-layer deposition of cells along with scaffolding materials over the injured areas. Skin bioprinting can be done either in situ or in vitro.


Cotofana, S; Lachman, N.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: February 2019 – Volume 143 – Issue 2 – p 416–426

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive review based on images and discussion of the current understanding of the arterial supply of the face to facilitate safe minimally invasive antiaging procedures.

Danilla Enei, S. et als.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.44, no.1. ene./mar. 2018. pp.13-17

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_huge

El recto abdominal es un músculo que consta, generalmente, de 3 inserciones tendinosas transversas. La lipoescultura de alta definición apunta a delinear la musculatura abdominal, sin embargo, una de sus dificultades es determinar mediante la anatomía de superficie el número de metámeros presentes.
En este artículo se describieron las variaciones en el número de metámeros del músculo recto del abdomen en la población chilena mediante análisis de tomografía computarizada de abdomen y pelvis, así como se determinó si existe un patrón para la marcación quirúrgica de los metámeros.


Niechajev, N.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, October 2018, Volume 41, Issue 5, pp 543–556

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Size of the nose varies in the different parts of the world, and perception of what is the aesthetically acceptable nose shows large differences depending on the ethnic background, type of the society, gender and age. Nose which is generally larger than the average nose in a given society, particularly regarding the height of its nasal bridge, could be defined as a prominent nose.

Malhotra, A. et als.
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: July 2018 – Volume 142 – Issue 1 – p 9e–16e

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)Primary evidence for the role of endocrinologic investigations in patients with adolescent gynecomastia is lacking in the current literature. The objective of this study was to assess the yield of endocrinologic investigations in the evaluation of adolescent gynecomastia to inform current practice for this common condition.

Walia, G. S. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: April 2018 – Volume 6 – Issue 4 – p e1731

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)Traditionally, tissue expanders (TEs) for breast reconstruction have been placed beneath the pectoralis major muscle with or without acellular dermal matrix. More recently, full acellular dermal matrix coverage has been described for prepectoral TE placement. Our study aims to explore differences in clinical and quality-of-life (QOL) outcomes for prepectoral versus subpectoral TE breast reconstruction.

Kant, S. B. et als.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, February 2018, Volume 41, Issue 1, pp 69-80

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)Since the management of keloid and hypertrophic scars still remains a difficult clinical problem, there is need for adequate, effective therapy. In this study, we explored for the first time the efficacy and the potential synergetic effect of combined triamcinolone and verapamil for the treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars. The objective was to assess the efficacy of combined intralesional triamcinolone and verapamil therapy for hypertrophic and keloid scars.