2018 Archivos

Villanueva, N. et als
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery: January 2018 – Volume 141 – Issue 1 – p 79–86

portada - PRS - Vol. 132; No. 2 (2013)Gluteal augmentation with fat transplantation is increasing in demand but has been associated with a concerning number of fatality reports. Despite these reports, various surgeons have safely performed gluteal fat transplantation on a large number of patients with no reported mortality. The important aspects of safely performing gluteal fat transplantation are reviewed. Proper patient selection, favorable instrumentation, patient positioning, proper technique, and knowledge of anatomy are critical to improving the safety of this procedure. Adherence to these key principles should allow a reduction in mortality from this procedure, which would safely allow its continued offering in the setting of increasingly high demand.

XLIX congreso AMCPER – Rafael & delegación cena galaMonterrey, 3 de marzo de 2018 – XLIX Congreso Anual Internacional de la AMCPER 2018. Encabezados por el Presidente de la Sociedad Cubana de Cirugía Plástica y Caumatología (SCCPC), Dr. Rafael Rodríguez, una delegación de especialistas cubanos y mexicanos formados en nuestro país, además de un nutrido grupo de residentes extranjeros que estudian en Cuba, participaron en el magno evento de los cirujanos plásticos de México. Ampliar…

Puskas, J. E; Luebbers, M. T.
Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology. Volume 4, Issue 2. March/April 2012. Pages 153–168 

portada - WIREs Nanomedicine & Nanobiotechnology - Vol. 8; No. 2 (2016)This advanced review will discuss the history of implants used in breast reconstruction and augmentation, the most frequently performed plastic surgery today. Currently, only silicone rubber-based silica nanocomposite implants are available in the United States. The most prevalent issues involving breast implants include capsular contracture, gel bleed, implant rupture, and infection. The goal of this review is to survey the literature from the perspective of material science.

Sánchez Wals, L. et als.
Revista Cubana de Cirugía; Vol. 57, Núm. 1 (2018)

portada - Revista Cubana de CirugíaLos defectos de pared abdominal son un desafío para los cirujanos plásticos. El sarcoma de partes blandas es muy recidivante y hay que hacer amplias exéresis con margen oncológico y como consecuencia quedan amplias zonas por reconstruir. El colgajo transverso de recto abdominal es una opción reconstructiva de esta región con buenos resultados estéticos y funcionales. El objetivo del trabajo fué mostrar los resultados de la reconstrucción inmediata de la pared abdominal luego de una amplia exéresis oncológica.



Barone, M. et als.
European Journal of Plastic Surgery, April 2018, Volume 41, Issue 2, pp 109–118

portada - EJPS - Vol. 35 (2012)A patient’s perspective is usually measured by patient-reported outcome instruments, which are becoming increasingly relevant to current research on clinical outcomes. The aims of our review were to identify studies that evaluated patient satisfaction after gynecomastia correction, analyze existing questionnaires, and summarize the development, psychometric properties and content of the questionnaires.

Brown, T.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: March 2018 – Volume 6 – Issue 3 – p e1700

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)

Increased surface area of mammary implants is suggested as a causative agent for the development of biofilms, which may lead to capsular contraction. The aim of this study was to quantify the surface areas of round implants of different textures and examine how these data can be interpreted with regard to clinical observation.
Surface areas of textured round breast implants were calculated from previously reported confocal scanning microscopic assessment, and dimensions sourced from 3 breast implant manufacturers (McGhan, Mentor, and Silimed). Statistical comparisons were made between manufacturers for different implant volumes, profiles, and texturing.

Walia, G. S. et als.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open: April 2018 – Volume 6 – Issue 4 – p e1731

portada - PRS Global Open - Vol. 6; No. 3 (2018)Traditionally, tissue expanders (TEs) for breast reconstruction have been placed beneath the pectoralis major muscle with or without acellular dermal matrix. More recently, full acellular dermal matrix coverage has been described for prepectoral TE placement. Our study aims to explore differences in clinical and quality-of-life (QOL) outcomes for prepectoral versus subpectoral TE breast reconstruction.

congreso cuba-italia - exposición Dra. Alina

La cirugía plástica cubana fue tema de debates, por primera vez, en el X Congreso Internacional de Cirugía Cuba – Italia 2018, concluido el pasado 3 de mayo en La Habana. Este intercambio entre especialistas de los dos países trabajó con el precepto “de la cirugía conservadora a la cirugía reconstructiva”. Ampliar…

Fuertes Bielsa, V; Francés Monasterio, M; Fernández Palacios, J.
Cir. plást. iberolatinoam. vol.43, no.4. oct./dic. 2017. pp.341-349

portada - Cirugía Plástica Ibero - Latinoamericana_hugeLa reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con expansión y recambio por prótesis definitiva es una opción reconstructiva frecuente. En el presente estudio se planteó la siguiente pregunta ¿cuál es la secuencia temporal más adecuada cuando se usa en combinación con radioterapia?
Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en PUBMED con las palabras clave breast reconstruction, implant-based y radiotherapy desde enero de 2010 a enero de