Surgical masculinization of the breast: clinical classification and surgical procedures

Cardenas-Camarena, L; Dorado, C; Guerrero; M; Nava, R.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, June 2017, Volume 41, Issue 3, pp 507–516

portada - Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Vol. 41; No. 2 (2017)Aesthetic breast area improvements for gynecomastia and gender dysphoria patients who seek a more masculine appearance have increased recently. We present our clinical experience in breast masculinization and a classification for these patients.
From July 2003 to May 2014, 68 patients seeking a more masculine thorax underwent surgery. They were divided into five groups depending on three factors: excess fatty tissue, breast tissue, and skin. A specific surgical treatment was assigned according to each group. The surgical treatments included thoracic liposuction, subcutaneous mastectomy, periareolar skin resection in one or two stages, and mastectomy with a nipple areola complex graft.

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