Strategies and challenges in simultaneous augmentation mastopexy

Spring, M. A; Hartmann, E. C; Stevens, W. G.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2015-10-01, Volúmen 42, Número 4, Pages 505-518

Simultaneous breast augmentation and mastopexy is a common procedure often considered to be one of the most difficult cosmetic breast surgeries. One-stage augmentation mastopexy was initially described more than 50 years ago. The challenge lies in the fact that the surgery has multiple opposing goals: to increasing the volume of a breast, enhance the shape, and simultaneously decrease the skin envelope. Successful outcomes in augmentation can be expected with proper planning, technique, and patient education. This article focuses on common indications for simultaneous augmentation mastopexy, techniques for safe and effective combined procedures, challenges of the procedure, and potential complications.

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