Oscars ® and Oz: plastic surgery illusions and deceptions

Freshwater, M. F.
Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 2014-08-01, Volúmen 67, Número 8, Pages 1167-1170

portada - JPRAS - Vol. 67; No. 8 (2014)In his March 3, 2014 New Yorker cover cartoon “Ready for His Closeup”, Barry Blitt depicts Oscar ® , the statuette, as a plastic surgery patient. Labels from head to toe highlight the procedures that Oscar ® has had ranging from his scalp reduction to his pedestal augmentation. The only procedure that Oscar ® needed but did not have was a penile reconstruction.
Hollywood and plastic surgery have obvious similarities. Ask yourself which is the smaller cohort, Oscar ® presenters who never had plastic surgery or Oscar ® winners who thanked their plastic surgeons in their acceptance speeches? Both Hollywood and plastic surgery are suffused with glitz, glamour and the pursuit of excellence.

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