Mazzola, R; Mazzola, I. C.
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2015-04-01, Volúmen 42, Número 2, Pages 147-153
Clinics in Plastic Surgery, 2015-04-01, Volúmen 42, Número 2, Pages 147-153
Fat injection empirically started 100 year ago to correct contour deformities mainly on the face and breast. The German surgeon Eugene Hollaender (1867-1932) proposed a cocktail of human and ram fat, to avoid reabsorption. Nowadays, fat injection has evolved, and it ranks among the most popular procedures, for it provides the physician with a range of aesthetic and reconstructive clinical applications with regenerative effects on the surrounding tissues. New research from all over the world has demonstrated the role of adipose-derived stem cells, present in the adipose tissue, in the repair of damaged or missing tissues.
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