High frequency percussive ventilation improves alveolar recruitment, gas exchanges and hemodynamics of patients with early non-focal ARDS without relevant hyperinflation. HFPV-derived pressures correlate with corresponding pleural or upper airways pressures.
En: High frequency percussive ventilation increases alveolar recruitment in early acute respiratory distress syndrome: an experimental, physiological and CT scan study
Autores: Thomas Godet, Matthieu Jabaudon, Raïko Blondonnet, Aymeric Tremblay, Jules Audard, Benjamin Rieu, Bruno Pereira, Jean-Marc Garcier, Emmanuel Futier and Jean-Michel Constantin. Critical Care 2018 22:3 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-017-1924-6.
This series of articles, published in Critical Care, has not been sponsored. All articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer review process overseen by Associate Editors, with final decisions made by the Editor in Chief.
En: The future of critical care – Edited by Prof Jean-Louis Vincent.
Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los valores medios de T3 en el grupo de supervivientes y no supervivientes. Los valores de T3 parecen asociarse a la mortalidad. Su descenso no parece asociarse a la enfermedad subyacente sino a la gravedad.
En: Alteraciones tiroideas ¿Predictores de mortalidad en cuidados intensivos? Autores: Juan Higuera, David Cabestrero, Gabriela Narvaez, Álvaro Caballero, Lara Rey, María Aroca, Sergio Saéz, Raúl De Pablo.
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