Management of pelvic floor disorders

Pelvic floor disorders are common and cause significant bowel problems. The pelvic floor is a complex muscular apparatus within the pelvis and serves defecation, micturition, and sexual functions. The most common pelvic floor disorders are fecal and urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse.  This review focuses on recent advances in the management of pelvic floor disorders affecting defecation, with a brief overview of pathophysiology and diagnosis.

These disorders affect both women and men and necessitate a multidisciplinary team approach involving colorectal surgeon, gastroenterologist, pain specialist, physical therapist, radiologist, urogynecologist, and urologist.

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Medical and Surgical Management of Pelvic Floor Disorders Affecting Defecation
Ron Schey MD, John Cromwell MD and Satish S C Rao MD, PhD. Am J Gastroenterol 2012; 107:1624-1633; doi:10.1038/ajg.2012.247; published online 21 August 2012