A functional genetic link between distinct developmental language disorders
An instrument to quickly and reliave classify aphasic patients symptoms in syndromes based on cognitive assessments
Auditory word recognition: evidence from aphasia and functional reuroimaging
Binding in agrammatic aphasia: Processing to comprehension
Brain activation for reading and listening comprehension: an fMRI study of modality effects and individual differences in languages comprehension
Clinicopathologic and Imaging correlates of Progressive Aphasia and Apraxia of Speech
Comunicación y lenguaje: bidireccionalidad en la intervención en niños con trastorno del espectro autista
Communicate Acts of children with Autism Spectrum disorders in the secund year of life
Estudio de los trastornos del espectro autista y trastornos del lenguaje mediante magnetoencefalografía Es necesario subscribirse para acceder al artículo completo en la revista.
Evidence for plasticity in white-matter tracts of patients with chronic Brocas aphasia undergoing intense intonation-based speech theraphy
Genes, cognición y lenguaje: consideraciones a propósito del Síndrome Velocardiofacial
Gestational diabetes hinders language development in offspring
Heritability of specific language impairment depends on diagnostic criteria
Hipoacusias de origen genético: Síndrome de Waardengurg
Melodic intonation therapy: shared insights on how it is done and why it might help
Modelos anatomotopográficos de las áreas cerebrales que se activan durante la función linguística
Neurophysiological indices of attention to speech in children with Specific language impairment
Non-motor basal ganglia functions: A review and proposal for a model of sensory predictability in auditory language perception
Non-verbal sound processing in the primary progressive aphasias
Predicting language at 2 years of age: a prospective community study
Television viewing in infancy and child cognition at 3 years of age in a US cohort
Theoretical, behavioral and neuroimaging evidence on discourse
The case against routine Electroencephalography in Specific Language Impairment
Therapy of aphasia
Training verb production in communicative context: evidence from a person with chronic non-fluent aphasia
Treatment for lexical retrieval using abstract and concrete words in persons with aphasia: Effect of complexity
Valoración del componente pragmático a partir de datos orales Para el acceso al artículo completo, debe subscribirse en la revista.
Visuo-spatial processing and executive functions in children with specific language impairment
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