Psoriasis and the Pregnant Woman
What Are the Key Considerations?
Jennifer M. Landau, BS; Megan N. Moody, MD, MPH; Natalia Kazakevich, MD; Leonard H. Goldberg, MD, FRCP
Pregnancy is characterized by multiple physiologic changes. During the entire gestational period, both mother and infant are vulnerable to a variety of external and internal factors. Maternal disease, use of certain medications, drugs, alcohol, smoking, and radiation exposure can have devastating effects on the fetus. Pregnancy-related complications in women with psoriasis can be caused by both the disease and the treatment. The response of the maternal placenta to psoriasis-induced inflammation and comorbid conditions, such as obesity, hypertension, and depression, may also influence the pregnancy. Herein, we review the relationship between psoriasis and undesirable pregnancy outcomes.