Cuba desarrolla desde hace 12 años un programa de rehabilitación de la cara y prótesis buco-maxilofacial, responsable de reponer las estructuras y órganos perdidos del macizo cráneo maxilofacial y rehabilitar funcional y emocionalmente al paciente, reporta la periodista Laura Elena Pérez. Según el titular del programa, Doctor Alfredo Álvarez Rivero, la actividad es tan compleja que ninguna especialidad por si sola es capaz de resolver los problemas. Leer más…
A Hollow Bulb Obturator For Maxillary Resection In A Completely Edentulous Patient- A Case Report
Maxillary obturators the relationship between patient satisfaction and speech outcome
Quality of life and patients satisfaction after maxillectomy and prosthethical rehabilitation
Alternative Impression Technique for a Speech-Aid Prosthesis
Statistics by Country for Cleft palate
Prevalence and Incidence of Cleft palate
Speech characteristics in children with cleft palate
Speech evaluation with and without palatal obturator in patients submitted to maxillectomy
New Design of a Palatal Lift Prosthesis Combined With a Palatal Bar
Influence of immediate and permanent obturators on facial contours: a case series
An alternative approach to fabricating a meatus obturator prosthesis
Plaques palatines chez le nourrisson porteur de fente labiomaxillaire
(Traducción al español)
A classification system of defects
Prosthodontic rehabilitation of a patient with total avulsion of the maxilla: A clinical report
Use of biofunctional prosthetic system following partial maxillary resection: a clinical report
Rehabilitation of a bilateral maxillectomy patient with a free fibula osteocutaneous flap
A simple method of fabricating an interim obturator prosthesis by duplicating the existing teeth and palatal form
Effect of palatal augmentation prosthesis in swallowing and speech articulation in a patient submitted to total glossectomy: Case report
Elaboración de obturador quirúrgico (prótesis inmediata) en un paciente con hemimaxilectomía por carcinoma epidermoide
Evaluation of speech in patients with partial surgically acquired defects: pre and post prosthetic obturation
Multidisciplinary approach for improving esthetics in cleft palate and alveolus patient: A clinical report
Rehabilitation of an acquired maxillary defect
The vibratory characteristics of obturators with different bulb height and form designs
The evolution of the obturator framework design
Prosthodontic principles in the framework design of maxillary obturator prostheses
Spectral characteristics of hypernasality
Basic principles of obturator design for partially edentulous patients. Classification
Basic principles of obturator design for partially edentulous patients. Design principles
Modified flasking technique for processing a maxillary resection obturator
Importancia de la prótesis obturadora
Prótesis fonoarticuladoras en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido
Obturator prostheses for hemimaxillectomy patients
Management of the Soft Palate Defect
An alternative approach to fabricating a meatus obturator prosthesis
The evaluation of the use of a delayed surgical obturator in dentate maxillectomy patients by considering days elapsed prior to commencement of postoperative oral feeding
A hollow-bulb interim obturator for maxillary resection. A case report
Abutment load transfer by removable partial denture obturator frameworks in different acquired maxillary defects
Alternate technique for fabrication of a custom impression tray for definitive obturator construction
Elaboración de obturador quirúrgico (prótesis inmediata) en un paciente con hemimaxilectomía por carcinoma epidermoide
Prótesis fonoarticuladoras en pacientes con labio y paladar hendido
Prosthodontic guidelines for surgical reconstruction of the maxilla: A classification system of defects
A feeding obturator for a preterm baby with Pierre Robin sequence
Carcinoma verrucoso. Caso clínico de rehabilitación multidisciplinaria quirúrgico-protésica.
Carcinoma verrucoso. Caso clínico de rehabilitación multidisciplinaria quirúrgico-protésica. 2a parte: Tratamiento protético obturatriz definitivo.
Masticatory Performance in Postmaxillectomy Patients with Edentulous Maxillae Fitted with Obturator Prostheses
Subjective Assessment of Chewing Funtion of Obturator Prosthesis Wearers
Magnetic Retention for Obturators
Individually Prefabricated Prosthesis for Maxilla Reconstruction
Optimization of Maxillary Obturator Thickness Using a Double-Processing Technique
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the application of attachment for obturator framework in unilateral maxillary defect
Prosthetic assessment in cleft lip and palate patients: A case report with oronasal communication
Management of children with cleft lip and Palate: a review describing the application of multidisciplinary team working in this condition based upon the experiences of a regional cleft lip and palate centre in the United Kingdom
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